domingo, 12 de setembro de 2010

Seleção de Textos - Dinner with Merlin The Magician

Mais um tópico com textos produzidos durante estes meses de curso em Londres. A estória de hoje é sobre um jantar, um show da mágica e uma vingança. Espero que você aprecie. Um forte abraço.

Dinner with Merlin The Magician

It was a pleasant summer night in Rio do Iguaçú. Bill and Jean, a newlywed young couple, went out for dinner to a famous restaurant in the town in order to celebrate Jean's birthday. Jean chose a place called "Da Silva's" because there was a magic show performed by Merlin The Magician being presented there which really used to take her fancy.
At first, the couple was enjoying the show. Later on, Merlin The Magician, who was a young and attractive man, approached and asked them to participate in one of his tricks. It made Bill a bit upset because all he wanted was to have an enjoyable dinner with his wife. As the show went on, Bill was getting more and more annoyed especially when the magician gave Jean a bouquet of roses.
It was time for The Magic Box number. Once again, Marlin asked Bill to participate. Bill promply stood up, however he didn't seem to be very pleased. He entered the magic box and the number started. 
The magician had already pushed two swords into the cabinet and when he pushed the thrird one - "Aaargh!". It was Bill crying out.
Merlin opened the box and there was Bill with a pained wrinckled face and ...he was bleeding.!The magician got into a panic.
In a sudden, the unexpected ending for the number turned into Bill's sweet revenge. He walked out of the box with a big triumphant smile on his face and holdind a bottle of ketchup. Poor Merlin.

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