sábado, 11 de setembro de 2010


My Nephew Felipe
Have you been having enough sleep? According to behavioral researches, sleep deprivation can affect not only our humour but also our motivation and ability to work or study. In extreme cases, as a long term result, lack of sleep may cause diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular dysfunction. That's how important it is in our lives. It is said that an average adult needs 7~8 hours' sleep to feel at his/her best. In order to check how students sleep habits are in our school, we asked a few questions to a group of ten students aged between 17 and 30 years old and here are the results:

- Most students have only about 6~7 hours of sleep a night.
- Most of them usually go to bed after midnight. However, some students have their sleep interrupted once or more times.
- As their life's routine has changed in London, some students said that they have been sleeping less than they used to one year ago.
- Some of them find it difficult to sleep when they are worried about something.
- Most students usually nod off on public transport. 

We can conclude that we, students, should change some of our sleep habits. Lack of sleep also means lack of attention which is one of the most important attributes of a student. Let's think about it.
*Photo by Tania Franco

Um comentário:

Neuber Ramos disse...

Muuuuito boa postagem W. Acredito que seja da ordem de utilidade pública!
Haha, a foto é fantástica!
